Firearm Safety Certificate Study Guide
Required Items needed to bring in when Buying a Firearm (note: all items must be current):
1.) Valid CA ID or CA Driver's License (If your CA DL says Federal Limits Apply, please bring a passport or a birth certificate)
2.) 2nd Proof of Residence (handguns only)
3.) Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC) or Valid Exemption
Types of Proof of Residence:
1.) CA DMV Vehicle Registration
2.) Utility Bill (mobile phone bills do not count)
3.) Residential Lease Agreement
4.) CCW/Guard Card
Basic Requirements:
1.) Minimum age is 21 years or older
2.) United States Citizen or Resident Alien with Greencard or I-94
3.) No Felonies or violent Misdemeanors on record.
4.) Unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance (Federal)
Fee Schedule:
- DROS $37.19
- PPT $10 per firearm
- Ammunition Background check $1 (+$19 if not on AFS system)
- FCS Test $25 (1 Free Retry)